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Hospital HM Sant Jordi, Barcelona

Divendres 9AM - 7PM

“For some background information: I had been experiencing persistent dull pains and discomfort in my left pectoral area, often accompanied by pins and needles running down my left arm. Given that both of my parents had experienced cardiac problems, this was a major concern for me. However, after undergoing multiple tests and scans, it was confirmed that I had no cardiac issues. I resorted to applying pressure with my fingers or thumbs to the area that was bothering me, sometimes to the point of leaving bruises, but it provided temporary relief.

These episodes persisted for about two to three years before I decided to seek treatment.

The day after my first puncturing treatment with Dr. Cañis, I woke up feeling completely free from discomfort and almost back to my normal self. It was the first time in three years that I experienced such relief, and I felt very hopeful. Over the following few days, my condition continued to improve, and within a week, all signs and symptoms had disappeared entirely.

Shortly thereafter, I began a series of appointments with a puncturing specialist, undergoing five one-hour puncturing treatments over the course of five weeks. Since then, I have not encountered any further issues or discomfort.”